All providers are exceptional...
in delivering extraordinary outcomes with a select group of patients, yet few can guess with which clients they will excel. TOP Match eliminates the guessing -- the boasting and bragging.
You'll know when TOP Match is well integrated when:
Patients start calling saying their neighbor found the perfect therapist with a process called TOP Match and she wants it for her daughter; and
Your staff offers to re-arrange their busy schedules to take one more A-level match.
No other assessment has the construct or predictive validity of the Treatment Outcome Package (TOP).
Dr. Kraus has trained more than 40,000 clinicians on the power of TOP, conducting advanced training sessions where all he knows of the patient is the TOP summary graph (like the one seen here). He teaches clinicians how to use this information to drive better questions and engage in a richer, clinical dialogue earlier in treatment and to build the strongest therapeutic alliance.

A peek at perfect integration
The best pathway to higher rates
Follow the science and earn what you deserve.
Evidence-based treatments are great, but the last two meta analyses show CBT is no better than most other treatments. TOP Match is the most powerful intervention behavioral health has seen. Best of all, it brings out the hidden talents of all your staff and deploys them to perfection, with the data to back it up and earn your organization the best rates in the industry.